вторник, 5 октября 2010 г.

Configuring EIGRP

In the first years of computer networks, RIP was the king of routing protocols. But the limitation of 15 steps between networks was become a reason for developing other protocols. In this lesson we will view on configuration of another network protocol EIGRP.
The following things are the metrics:
According this parameters the summary metric is calculated.
EIGRP send periodically the update of route table to directly connected routers. Updates are send every 90 seconds. If there is not update after 270 seconds, the route will be marked as inactive. If there is no update after 630 seconds, the route will be deleted from the route table. Also you can change the updating timers using a "timers basic" command.

To enter in EIGRP configuration mode, you should enter "router eigrp" command {number of AS}. As is a list of networks with a common parameters of routing. You can access AS as an object. At this period of time you can have a problem in understanding AS, but then it will be clear.
Then using a "network {ip address} {EIGRP wild card bits}" enter a network, directly connected to router. Our router will send send this information to neighbour routers. EIGRP wild card bits ={network mask}. Also using "passive-interface" command you can enter port, which will be blocked for sending updates.

Example of configuration:
Router(config)#router eigrp 200

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